More fun than a barrel of monkeys

Although I’m not exactly sure how fun a barrel of monkeys is, I’m certain Jeffrey has to be more fun than one. He is a self contained play machine. He can play for hours with just two plastic cups. He crawls around finding new things to bang on while stopping to bang some of his favorite noise makers (the air-vent being the most popular and noisy). Running the cup up and down the grate makes a fun shhhzzzzztttt sound. A little effort on my part to chase him or play circus or airplane elicits giggles and smiles. At least till I stop, then a few cries to let me know he wants more are my usual reward.

Sleeping is on track thanks to “Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child” by Dr Marc Weissbluth. It is hard to actually recommend the book as the 450 pages is a really boring read. I think a 25 page companion that simply tells you what to do would be great and leave all the research yackity-yack for people that have time to read it. I know he is trying to make the reader comfortable with the advice but it can be hard to find amongst all the study results.