Letter to Senator Udall of Colorado



Dear Senator Udall,
I have never written to a government official before but feel compelled to do so now regarding the situation with the deficit debates currently raging in Washington and the water coolers around America.

What you propose in your letter is nice, but nowhere near enough to what needs to happen. I’m sorry but $4 trillion in cuts over 10 years is a joke. You should be working to pass a balanced budget this year.

Recently my family came to the realization that living beyond our means was destroying our future. We now do monthly budgets and do not violate them. We work more hours and are paying our debt so that by mid next year we will only have the mortgage left. We are committed to paying these debts by not taking vacations, liquidating non-essential assets, not eating out, not updating our cloths, and working extra.

I urge you to take a stronger stance on cutting spending (not just the wasteful stuff) eliminate the waste and cut the rest by several % across the board. And I mean really cut, not just reduce the increase. Cut, as in each department gets less money than it did last year.

I know I have asked you to do something that seems difficult, but what I will suggest next will really blow your mind.

I urge you to consider tax reform that not only closes corporate loop-holes (put there by congress no less), simplify the tax code for everyone, and actually tax everyone with an able-body or able-mind. Yes EVERYONE. Every man, woman, child (pick an age), old person, and immigrant (legal or illegal) should help pay for the services provided by our government. A recent report cited that 47% of tax returns filed pay $0. A decent amount of that group actually receives money from the IRS, like a refund, but they never even paid a dime to get refunded. I’m sure you are familiar with this little wealth redistribution effort. These policies are worthless and have done a grave disservice to the people of this nation. When you pay for something you value it. It is that simple. You could always go the consumption tax route but don’t make the mistake of adding luxury taxes (as what was attempted with the yacht tax).

Okay, so you are thinking I’m crazy with the tax everyone thing, but I’m not. If someone doesn’t have money they can work off their small amount of tax by volunteering with a charity (any 501c or the Job Corps). Problem solved. But regardless of income level, everyone should pay taxes or no one should pay taxes.

One last thing, provide a buy-out of Social Security option. Something like once you have contributed a certain amount you can opt out of future SS taxes by removing yourself from the disbursement rolls. The rate of return on SS dollars is crap; it doesn’t even keep up with inflation. The reason is simple, it isn’t a retirement investment program it’s wealth redistribution. So take some of my wealth and keep it, and let me be responsible for myself, because I am an American.


John Ala
P.S. I do not envy your task, but you wanted the job. Good luck.