5 things that make getting laid-off a blessing

  1. I needed the time available to transition our daughter into the family
  2. I was planning to give notice in 3 months but got 3 months of severance instead
  3. Took Jon Acuff’s advice in his book Quitter – Made a plan about 7 months earlier
  4. Took Dan Miller’s advice in his book 48 Days To The Work You Love – Trading my job for a career
  5. Started following Dave Ramsey’s plan as laid out in My Total Money Makeover two years ago – Have no debt (from $131,000) and 6 months expenses in an emergency fund (with Marisa still working the savings can last about 18 months)

MeAtMHCI am so blessed that God is my God. In all of my planning and thoughts I never once conceived of my transition working as well as it has. Don’t get me wrong, adopting a child with the issues that Ariel has is no picnic, but the timing of getting laid off and having a career plan ready and getting time to spend with the kids and prepare for my new career is more than I ever could ask for.

In this pic I am waiting to do my first financial counseling appointment. I’m a volunteer counselor for MHC.


The successes that come from good preparation often look like luck to those who aren’t prepared.

Fortune favors the diligent.

The generous will prosper; those who refresh others will themselves be refreshed.