Category: All

  • A moment please



    The day after Jeffrey’s birth, early in the morning, I was able to sit quietly and hold my son. Really for the first time, just me and him, I wasn’t transferring him to Mom or holding him for the nurse or changing a diaper it was just me & him. I said a prayer of thanksgiving and…

  • Happy birthday Jeffrey

    On Tuesday March 10, 2009 at 2:00 A.M. I awoke to the exclamations of my wife “Gushing! Gushing! My water broke.” My first thought? “Crap. I haven’t packed my hospital bag yet.” We spent the next 45 min getting our stuff together, not in a panic but with expidiant purpose. We rolled into the hospital…

  • OK, now what?

    We’ve been to the classes read all the books  talked with friends and neighbors and stangers too We know he is coming and aproximatly when just seems like forever till then We know all the signs and the way to the hospital we have numbers of doctors and friends and family The only thing left…

  • Is this how smokers feel?


    in ,

    OK. In each package of baby stuff is this piece of paper saying how you should place your baby on his back and not have any pillows, blankets, quilts, etc in the crib. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death. I have also heard this now in every class and read…

  • I have to write something

    5 weeks and counting. OK, I haven’t posted in a while because not much has been happening. I’ll summarize: Jeffrey is increasing in size and  so is the discomfort level of Marisa. Marisa had baby showers in CA and CO and both were a lot of fun for her.  Thanks to all of you who have sent…

  • Jeffrey has… (a poem that mostly rhymes)

    Jeffrey has…  Clothes, toys things that make noise Two cool swings  several bouncy things an awesome bedroom  Enormous stuffed critters quilts made by hand  strollers and wraps and blankets Best of all Jeffrey has love from mother and father from grandmother too from nana from grandpas numbering two from aunts and uncles and from cousins alike…

  • Whew!

    Mural update – OK. We are so close to being done that I wanted to get the final version of the video posted. Although there are a few blank spots I don’t expect their is more than 6 – 8 hours of work left. To date we have spent 47 hours of work, so the final should be around 55…

  • Jeffrey’s mural after 2 days

    Watch the video to see how we are doing on the mural. (Plays via YouTube so if you are at work you may not be able to see it) Wondering what mural I’m talking about? Read the back story here

  • Expecting Christmas

    OK so this is the last Christmas as an adult only family. Sure we’ve occasonaly had children at the house for Christmas and it always made everything funner but next year will be different and honestly it is all I can think about. Having Jeffrey Cole on the way is the best Christmas present ever by far. Last week…

  • Gooooooaaalllll

    That’s right I finally felt one of those kicks that Marisa has been feeling for a month. Up until now they haven’t been strong enough to be felt on the outside by me. That all changed. I must say it was rather cool.