Category: Rant

  • The WOW factor (Waste Of Wealth)

    In my book workable and low cost beats cool and expensive any day. I just wish others saw the world that way. We would buy used cars, and modest homes. And we wouldn’t line up to buy the iPhone X. Yet all of these pale in comparison to the waste of government (as voted by…

  • Letter to Senator Udall of Colorado



    Dear Senator Udall, I have never written to a government official before but feel compelled to do so now regarding the situation with the deficit debates currently raging in Washington and the water coolers around America. What you propose in your letter is nice, but nowhere near enough to what needs to happen. I’m sorry…

  • Can you really have too many pics of your baby?


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    YES. Each week it takes hours to sift through the pictures and select the best shots. Digital cameras with high capacity cards have totally made picture taking a blast. You can keep on shooting everything you see without incurring additional cost. The problem is after you finish your shutter bug session you have hundreds of…

  • Is this how smokers feel?


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    OK. In each package of baby stuff is this piece of paper saying how you should place your baby on his back and not have any pillows, blankets, quilts, etc in the crib. Failure to follow these instructions may result in serious injury or death. I have also heard this now in every class and read…

  • You could see it on their faces


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    OK so we are in Baby’s RUs working on the registry and talking about this item and that item and how we would do this or that and you could just see the looks on the mom’s and mom-to-be’s faces that they wanted to give advice. To their good credit it only happened once and…