Category: Uncategorized

  • The past

    Look to the past not with longing or regret but with praise and thanksgiving for all that God has brought you. Look to past accomplishments to remind you of what can be done. Look to past failures to teach you what you can do better. But do not dwell on the past or attempt to live…

  • Room final pics

    A few people have asked to see pics of the room final. So here they are. All the animals WIth bedding Last one

  • Jeffrey has… (a poem that mostly rhymes)

    Jeffrey has…  Clothes, toys things that make noise Two cool swings  several bouncy things an awesome bedroom  Enormous stuffed critters quilts made by hand  strollers and wraps and blankets Best of all Jeffrey has love from mother and father from grandmother too from nana from grandpas numbering two from aunts and uncles and from cousins alike…

  • Whew!

    Mural update – OK. We are so close to being done that I wanted to get the final version of the video posted. Although there are a few blank spots I don’t expect their is more than 6 – 8 hours of work left. To date we have spent 47 hours of work, so the final should be around 55…

  • Jeffrey’s mural after 2 days

    Watch the video to see how we are doing on the mural. (Plays via YouTube so if you are at work you may not be able to see it) Wondering what mural I’m talking about? Read the back story here

  • Expecting Christmas

    OK so this is the last Christmas as an adult only family. Sure we’ve occasonaly had children at the house for Christmas and it always made everything funner but next year will be different and honestly it is all I can think about. Having Jeffrey Cole on the way is the best Christmas present ever by far. Last week…

  • Every baby needs a theme

    A theme, a theme, I must have a theme. Long before we actually got pregnant I’m told that’s what Jeffrey is saying oh so clearly to my wife. So we have picked a theme…. Jungle, and all the wonderful things found in one. Lions and giraffes and snakes, and monkeys!  The plan is simple. Find…

  • Congratulations Ted

    My cousin Ted and his wife Ashley just had their first baby. Edward Alexander, was born 11/28/08. A whopping 9 lbs 3.7 ounces. Very cool. My Grandma Proseus will have 2 new great-grandsons in just a few months time. Congratulations Ted & Ashley!

  • NonStopDad launched

    The plan is to write about my experiences as a first time father. I’ll share what I learn, think and feel. I’ll share things that work and things that don’t. Hopefully you will be entertained and gain some wisdom if only what not to do.