Different but not unique

So our family dynamic is different form a “normal” family but not unique amongst families with difficult kids. In fact we are somewhere in the middle of that group. If you have a normal family dynamic you may not understand so I hope this helps. If you have a different family dynamic you are not alone. So what does different look like.

Last night Ariel didn’t want what we had made for diner. This was a bit of a hassle because she had said she wanted what we were making. We quickly gave in and made what she wanted but not without some comments from mommy. This set off Ariel and she started to get verbally abusive followed by physically abusive toward me.

After a brief wrestling match she went upstairs where she opened her window, punched out the screen and started throwing things onto mommy’s car. I put a halt to that and after another wrestling match I left her to calm down on her own. After 10 minutes we heard a thunderous crash as a bucket full of toys rained down from the loft to the living room. This started another round of shouts and threats from mommy who raced upstairs to find her. Unable to find her mommy gave up and just shot words into the air.

We got a call from the neighbors that Ariel was on the roof (she had climbed out her window). A short interval later we heard another crash and I went to investigate and found furniture turned over in the loft and crayon all over our bedroom door saying “I hate you mommy.” Ariel was in her room packing to run away. We discussed where she would go and I tried to convince her to wait until tomorrow without affect. She took off with her suitcase and returned about 5 min later to get a coat. (I had discreetly followed her to make sure she would be safe). She got her coat and was off again, I followed her around the block where she returned to the house.

At that point mommy had had enough and was preparing to go to Nana’s for the night with Jeffrey. Ariel said she didn’t care but that changed as she realized the departure was really happening. At that point she broke down screaming for mama to stay. There was a lot talk about favoring Jeffrey (this causes a lot of issues) and how much she loves mama (remember she wrote “I hate mommy” on the bed room door 30 minutes ago). In the end we compromised and mommy stayed in the basement with Jeffrey and I stayed in the master bedroom with Ariel (who snores).

Morning was fairly smooth but Ariel was on edge and had a few blowups but no rages.

Mom and Dad are at work and have peace for 9 hours, praying that the evening won’t repeat again.