I’d be a fool not to be nervious

Our Walt Disney World trip is just 4 days and 20 hours away. Up until now I have been excited and optimistic that we will mostly have a good time and that Marisa and I won’t totally loose our minds.

Some might argue that we already lost our minds

IMG_0164That optimism waned today. Not for anything the kids did, in fact this has been our best day yet.  It is just that the realization of the magnitude of the stress points we will be facing has finally surpassed my excitement of meeting Chip and Dale.

Routine is king with Ariel and it helps with Jeffery too. We are about to disrupt all that. Starting by making them sit on an airplane for 3 hours! followed by a 2 hour time change, different stuff every day, seeing some of there most loved story characters, riding thrill rides, standing in long lines, baking in the hot sun and melting in the 200% humidity. There is also staying up late, getting up early, and eating food that looks like a mouse.

Our plan is to make them happy, keep them hydrated and fed, and bring the strollers so they can rest when they need. Also, Marisa is going grocery shopping when we get to Orlando and I think a couple bottles of wine are in order.



One response to “I’d be a fool not to be nervious”

  1. YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME!!!! If I could, I would grab a plane in this moment to be with you. Post lots of pictures.