Statement of conviction

The following was an email I wrote in response to some email exchanges between Ariel’s team and us where our ability and conviction were discussed. I wanted to put on paper what my wife and I had been discussing and receiving in prayer regarding  bringing Ariel into our home.

It was recently sent back to me as a reminder during a particularly rough patch on our adoption journey. I was happy to read and affirm again what I know to be the TRUTH about our decision.



We firmly know that we are called to parent Ariel. It is our desire, our mission, our calling to do all we can to love her in a way that is meaningful to her. And we have the same calling for Jeffrey.

Both these kiddos will get our best, and when our best isn’t good enough we will “do whatever it takes” to learn a better way.

We love Ariel, the way she is (even though we haven’t seen the ugly yet), she is wonderfully and fearfully made by God. Sadly we (humanity) have perverted how God designed her. I know His love will prevail through all of us. I’m not boasting in the abilities of any of us, especially me, but I boast in God’s ability.

We have consecrated our family to follow His plan and that plan includes Ariel. To arrive in heaven and not have accomplished my assigned mission on this Earth, because it was tough or sad or ugly or inconvenient or scary, would be a disgrace. I accept my calling because of the joy and happiness and excitement and exhilaration and love and pleasure and satisfaction of walking in God’s plan for my life.

Marisa and I count it an HONOR and PRIVILEGE to be chosen by GOD to personally care for His precious Ariel.

John Ala

Ariel’s Daddy on Earth